Huron Haven Village | Frequently Asked Questions
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What is a land lease home? Do I own my own home?

A land lease home is a home ownership strategy that is in widespread use in the U.S., Europe and Australia and growing in Canada. You own your own home, while leasing the land on which it is located. Your lease is a 21-year lease issued by Parkbridge. It cannot be revoked as long as you own your home and pay the nominal monthly management fees.

Should I decide to sell my home, what happens?

You can sell your home whenever you wish. As Huron Haven grows in popularity, it should appreciate over time.

What are the management fees?

All Parkbridge homeowners pay a moderate monthly maintenance fee that covers use of the swimming pool, the events hall, billiards room, library and all recreation centre facilities.


Note that your property taxes will be lower with a land lease home than they would be with a standard freehold home.

Are there extra fees, for example for Recreation Complex use?

Enjoyment of the Recreation Centre, the Fitness Centre, the Assembly Hall and all of the facilities at Huron Haven is covered in your monthly management fee. Facilities can be booked on a first-come-first-served basis. Forthcoming optional classes such as Aquafit, Yoga and Pilates will be available at a low supplementary cost.

Can I have friends or family stay at my house in my absence?

Your house is your own! You are free to invite whomever you wish, provided that they are respectful of your neighbours and follow the few guidelines that apply to everyone.

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